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Answer your call to nursing—and start a solid career

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Nursing Graduates See 93% Job Placement

Be ready for top clinical care and health care’s digital future

The two-year Nursing (RN) program at Madison College offers highly-respected training for in-demand jobs in health care. You’ll learn with experienced professionals in digital classrooms and modern labs, and develop patient-care skills during on-site clinical practicums in area hospitals and clinics. The Madison College Nursing program is accredited by the Accreditation Commission for Education in Nursing. We prepare you to pass the national licensing exam (NCLEX) to become a Registered Nurse (RN).

Your free Nursing program guide will tell you about:

  • Leading-edge facilities: The Health Education Center at the Truax Campus offers a fully functioning trauma room, home health scenario room and simulated patient settings for hands-on learning.
  • Experienced faculty: Learn the skills, concepts and ethics of the nursing profession with nurse instructors from a wide range of professional backgrounds.
  • Earning your BSN: Transfer your Madison College credits toward a bachelor’s degree in nursing at Marquette University, Franklin University or the University of Wisconsin.
Get our free guide now to learn why Madison College graduates are #1 in transfers to the University of Wisconsin.

Here are some top reasons why Madison College students give high marks to our Nursing (RN) program:

  • "The facilities look just like a hospital. I got a very solid, well-rounded education." –Amy
  • "I enjoyed all of my instructors. Some were holistic, some focused on ethical issues, and some were very practical. Each brought something to the table that resulted in valuable learning for me."
  • "Everything is state of the art. We also would partner with respiratory training and EMT in simulations for great learning experiences." –Jennifer

Take your next step today: Fill out the form now to get immediate information about the Nursing (RN) program and 2-year Associate in Applied Science degree.

Get your free e-guide to learn why Madison College’s Nursing (RN) program has a 98% student satisfaction rate.

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* HS Graduation Year
* Expected Start Year
* Expected Start Term

Career Potential

Build your future in nursing and health care—among America’s top employers. Nursing graduates see 93% job placement within six months of graduation. Careers include: Registered Nurse (RN), nurse clinician, RN case manager, orthopedic nurse navigator, clinical nurse insurance adviser and more.